
Out of context: Reply #41

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  • teleos0

    mrdobolina, as you have been told before, the 10 commandments were designed to demonstrate our sin and perfection of God's law. But they cannot save us. The purpose of the 10 commandments is to drive us to the foot of the cross, seeking mercy.

    • at what point will you realize I am not buying what you are selling?mrdobolina
    • Hey Dobs, no offense, but maybe at the point when you realise he aint selling what you're resisting!Spookytim
    • When you stop asking your skeptic 101 style questions?teleos
    • your juvenile attempts at razzing actually provide a nice springboard for...teleos
    • ...demonstrating important points to honest lurkers.teleos
    • yeah I am the only one who does it.mrdobolina
    • No, you're just the worst at it. Please try a little bit harder. D for effort.teleos
    • Its a non arguement. You're both on different side of the fence. Neither will change the other's POV. LALD.Spookytim
    • someone needs to combat the nonsense.mrdobolina
    • But they feel the same way Dobs. You both generate the nonsense attempting to neutralise each others POV.Spookytim
    • combat the nonsense! ...but don't ask me errr... why I should. -mrdobolinateleos
    • dobs pushes his opinion on everyone the way that he says religious people push their religion onto others.kona
    • and conveniently never states what he believes. He's a coward and quite sad really.teleos
    • my opinions can be tested. religious dogma can't.mrdobolina
    • tell us how the scientific method works, mrdobs. And what specific "opinions" of your's can be tested.teleos
    • go ahead, we're all ears.teleos
    • my opinions could potentially be proved wrong is what I mean, religion just can';t I guess?mrdobolina
    • you're using to general of terms. How could one test "religion"?teleos
    • you're missing the point.mrdobolina

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