publishing royalties

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • MLP0

    exactly... i'm just trying to find more detailed information on that transaction.

    i know pubs like faesthetic operate on contributions, but don't pay their contributors. i guess there's a fine line there between "i want to be in it because its cool" and "threadless distributes it now, so it has a large cirulation and makes money." not to single out faesthetic, but just an example. how do pubs with over 100 contributors function? is the work submitted with the understanding it's just free publicity under a cool umbrella that is the whole?

    larger pubs like esopus give the issue to one person, but function as a magazine, hiring its content. big is the only larger magazine i can think of that has 10+ contributors each issue, submitting art/photography as content, but from what i hear they're dodgy about paying people.

    • ... thus being a bad model for this discussion anyway.


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