Not allowed to show work?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • StratusGD0

    Actually, I just got dinged for this I had some work up on my portfolio that I had done, and only the parts of the site I had worked on. My contract with my last job said that I must ask for permission before posting work. I didn't. I figured, hey - the site has been viewable by the public for over 2 months. I'm not stealing anyone's thunder. So, I put it up.

    Last week a got an email from them saying, "Hey, remember that contract you signed? We don't have permission to show the artwork as our own. Neither do you, and you haven't asked for permission. Take it down, because you're putting yourself and us in a bad legal position if said client finds this."

    I took it down. Why? Because I signed the damn contract. I hate to point it out, but NDAs, contracts, and other legally binding documents will win out over 'they can fuck off.'

    Now, if they didn't sign a contract or NDA and they're still getting nasty emails... well... no need to do anything?

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