Branding Question...

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • BaskerviIle0

    they paid N&S for the work at the time, I'm pretty sure they own all the work they rejected as well as what they went with. They are free to rehash old work, or get another agency to work up old ideas etc.
    I don't think you deserve any extra payment than your regular paycheck that you received at the time from N&S.

    It's annoying that technically you designed the new logo but because barclays didn't employ you directly for this rebrand you can't really claim it as your own, especially as you were part of a company, not an individual.
    The dispute would be between barclays and N&S if there was one at all, which I don't believe there should be.

    • I wrote to John Sorrell a year or so back to see what he thought but he wasn't interested.Spookytim

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