The face of Jesus

Out of context: Reply #65

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  • gramme0

    "umm, Caesar was talked about throughout his life, documented in his OWN letters and buildings and shit he dun, talked about by cultures and nations outside Rome. From birth till after death. As well as all the characters surrounding him, cleopatra, Brutus, Pompei etc. All documented.
    Jesus isn't mentioned until LONG after his death, by really sketchy cultists. Very little else is known outside what these "Christian's" wrote in their new testament when St Paul was out creating his new religion.
    No mention in the histories of the Romans, the court records of Pontious Pilot, or any other documents."


    Jesus' ministry did not begin until he was 30, and lasted until his death at the age of 33. Caesar had a much longer day in the sun, and thus the chances of him being able to write and be written about during his lifetime were much higher.

    The life of Jesus and those around him was well catalogued by first-hand witnesses (ignoring your ad hominem, baseless claim about 'really sketchy cultists'). Besides the 2 apostles and two later converts who wrote the four canonical Gospels, there are widely accepted historical accounts written by Flavius Josephus, Tacitus, Suetonius, and Pliny the Younger:…
    (scroll down to read about Greco/Roman sources)…

    So yes, Jesus was in fact mentioned and described in Roman histories that were most definitely not written by anyone who could have been described as "a cultist".

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