inhouse vs. design studio

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • vague0

    if youre an inhouse Burton designer, youre one of only a few, and your work can shine across an entire brand.

    if youre at a studio/agency, youre a small ass wheel in a gigantic machine, with responsibilities that were divided a hundred times and neatly handed out to each little designer on the team.

    are you telling me youd really rather be doing cut-outs of high-res images handed to you by an AD, or always animating some annoying copy text on a flash site that was designed by some guy at the top of the food-chain? enjoy.

    • You couldn't be further from the truth.czawada
    • srsly. not really a good read on the situation. i know burton peeps though- that inhouse gig is a sweet one...madirish

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