Let's share strange stories

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • kalkal0

    So there was this one time when I went out to a town called Chesterfield. I was 17 and it was one of my first few nights out drinking and clubbing. I was sloshed. I have no idea how much I had to drink. So, anyways, we were in this club called Zanzibar (now Escapade) and I left my mate to go for a piss. Well, I managed to do that but totally disoriented, I stumbled out of a fire exit onto the street. Thinking I had no money left, unable to get back in, I stumbled into a chippy down the road and asked strangers if I could stay at their place over night.

    Having some common sense (and a bit more sober than I was) they told me to wait outside the club for my friend. I had a better plan though. Walk home! So I set off on the 11 mile journey immediately. In the opposite direction.

    This is where everything goes blank and I can't remember a thing. The next thing I remember is walking down a country path with fields either side, cows in the right hand field and a huge hill in front of me. Starting to regain some sanity now, I start to think... why the hell am I walking into darkness???

    So I turn around, go back to where the street lights are and start knocking on some house (seemed to be a farm house) door in an attempt to found out where I was. No one answered and I'm not surprised with the drunk random person at the door.

    So, I decide to start walking back to Chesterfield, no idea where I was, in fact I still have no idea where I wandered off to but after a few hours of walking around the maze of the estate I was on, it became bright enough to see the "crooked spire" (a big old crooked church in the town) and it was a tiny dot in the distance. So after much much much walking, I finally got back. It was about 6am. I tried to sleep on a bench but a police car went past so I got up and moved on. Then I realized I still had about £6 left and could have gone back in the club the whole time.

    I tried to go for a train to get home, but no trains till 10am so I phoned my dad up. Got a lift and slept the entire next day.

    What a twat.

    • that's a nice storypr2
    • nice dadcapsize
    • Yea, on that occasion, he was surprisingly understanding. Must have done it himself in his lifetime.kalkal
    • I did the same thing a few years ago. Got sloshed at the Piano Bar in Amsterdam, lost my glasses, and tried to walk home. Went the wrong direction and took 4 hours to get home.Melanie
    • ...walk home. Went the wrong direction and took 4 hours to get home. Good thing Amsterdam is is on a curve.Melanie
    • i did the same in san francisco and woke up w/o my bag on my back... had my D70s, iPod and sketchbooks in there.curedjinx
    • Lost with no belongings i swore never to drink again.... i am typing this now with about 36 ounces of pilsner in me (idiot)curedjinx
    • My dad did it too, only in France and he didn't speak a bit of French.ismith

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