flash and video ?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • falcadia0

    //////////VIDEO CONTROL//////////////////////

    import mx.video.*;

    var myVid:FLVPlayback = levMain.attachMovie("FLVPlayback... "myVid", 0);

    myVid.autoPlay = true;
    myVid.bufferTime = 1;
    myVid.autoSize =false;
    myVid.maintainAspectRatio =true;
    //myVid.contentPath ='../videos/clip1.flv';

    // Set Videos Behavior

    // Create a videos object to hold a video
    // playlist and event handler functions...
    var videos:Object = new Object();

    // Set up to 7 video feeds in a single component
    videos.list = new Array();
    videos.list[0] = "../videos/clip1.flv";
    videos.list[1] = "../videos/clip2.flv";
    videos.list[2] = "../videos/clip3.flv";
    videos.list[3] = "../videos/clip4.flv";
    videos.list[4] = "";
    videos.list[5] = "";
    videos.list[6] = "";
    videos.loop = true;
    videos.length = 1;
    videos.loaded = false;

    // Path to FLVPlayback components
    var m = myVid;

    // Set the path of the first video feed
    m.contentPath = videos.list[0];

    // Set a 'ready' event handler to load the videos
    videos.ready = function( evt:Object ):Void
    this.loaded = true;
    for( var n=1; n<this.list.length; n++ ){
    if( videos.list[n].indexOf(".flv") != -1 ){
    m.activeVideoPlayerIndex = n;
    m.contentPath = videos.list[n];
    m.activeVideoPlayerIndex = 0;

    // Set a 'complete' event handler to load the next video
    videos.complete = function( evt:Object ):Void
    var nextIndex = Number(evt.vp)+1;
    if( nextIndex == this.length){
    if( this.loop ){
    nextIndex = 0;
    m.activeVideoPlayerIndex = nextIndex;
    m.visibleVideoPlayerIndex = nextIndex;

    // End Set Videos Behavior


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