
Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Spookytim0

    I once worked at a company called BamberForsyth as acting Creative Director alongside (and obviosuly slightly under) their full time CD on rebranding Prudential. A mate of mine was over from NY one time and we only met for a quiet drink becuase I had a big presentation next day. That quiet drink became a 6pm to 6am heavyweight boozing session in Soho, then back to my flat for some huge spliffage before passing out face down on the floor. Then I got a call at what seemed like three minutes after nodding off but was actually 11.00am. It was Bambers asking me where I was becuase the brand team were in reception waiting for me to take them through the new brand structure (or whatever it was that day)... I was still totally boxed off my head and stunk of booze. I ran from my flat to the offices and did the whole presentation, pissed and stoned as fuck, and really obviously so too, and instead of being perturbed by my lateness, my dishevelled appearance, the stink of whisky and weed, the client team congratulated me on a great presentation.

    ... At least, that's what I thought they said at the time. Maybe they were just desperate to get the fuck away from the rambling booze soaked, bogeyed lunatic who made no sense and had rizzlas stuck to his face.

    • Summary: I got wasted and almost lost my jobcreative-
    • Fortunately I wasn't actually on payroll and also they were desperately short of ...Spookytim
    • ... people able to undertake a job that size so I scraped by and took the job through sign off.Spookytim
    • The losing your job bit was my Hollywood dramatisationcreative-

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