Chicago Campus Shootings??

Out of context: Reply #52

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  • onewhoslaps0

    WHEW....... reading through this thread was like climbing a mountain of warm soft shit.

    Here's the deal dummies. Most deaths occur from people who illegally obtain weapons, so if you take weapons away from people who legally obtain them, then who is left with a weapon. ding dong, yes you're fucked.

    When someone invades this country, and it will happen. I'd rather every tom, dick, and charlie own a weapon than to have a bunch of non-gun owning / un-trained pansies running around with their tails between their legs getting blasted like ducks on the pond. Oh and Iraq. Yes total bad idea. Never liked it from the start, but those people want us dead in the end. It's their prophecy. Let me repeat. It's their prophecy. That is a fact. I'll keep my loaded shotgun under my bed, and only fuck with people that fuck with me.

    Out. *slaps for the thread.

    Let the mountain of soft warm shit rise!

    • that was seriously the most clever well thought out post yet.. n1 ha lolbliznutty
    • until i read it again.. (bliznutty
    • so what are you unclear on bliznuttzz??onewhoslaps
    • whether you will die with your ultra liberal cock in your hands or a gun? j/konewhoslaps
    • aha lol. you are hilarious dude!! i wish QBN would let you have 'friends' like myspace. i'd add you ;)bliznutty
    • nah i was serious you're funny dak post another!!bliznutty
    • Most deaths occur from people who illegally obtain weapons,
      not exactly what happened in the last few school shootings..
    • are school shootings even 1% of actual deaths by guns???? next.....onewhoslaps

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