You've gotta be shitting me?

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • Studiospooky0

    No. Apparently not. The scientific establishment is putting a lot of funding into exploration. Its just that we're too dumb to grasp the concept. Its a hackneyed old thing to bring up but its similar to the arrival of ther Spanish inquisition by boat to the land of the Mayans (Mayonia?)... they could not grasp the possibility of men travelling across water in boats so they just didn't see the boats at all. When the Spanish arrived they naturally assumed them to be gods becuase they appeared to step out of nowhere. There are so many examples of things being totally beyond our comprehension that Time travel is merely a contemporary counterpoint. Up until about the 12th Century (could be wrong about that) it was generally held as the basic truth that eyes shone light onto things and that's how we could see. It was an islmaic scholar who first suspected light was around us and entered out eyes from outside, and he got locked away for 20 years for such a blasphemous notion. The world was hugely different before and after he made his case, and the discovery was no less revolutionary to science as time travel seems to us now.

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