Mini Crisis.

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • 35 Responses
  • spillargroove0

    I think in your situation and position, you really need to sit down and re-evaluate where you want to go forward. For a start, do you still want to be in Design? If so then get your act together properly. Your work is one thing but presentation is as equally as important. Set up a website of your own using Indexhibit if need be and post your work up. The work I have seen so far on your blog tends to be fairly experiemental and unfinished. Where is your commissioned or client work or projects you completed at university?

    Ask yourself clearly what is your real interests and hone on that. Don't be effie here and there like your blog. And your C.V. - they are not going to care how it looks. Only a good letterhead and your experience with who/where will count. Then you show your folio at interview.

    If all comes to worse, maybe consider contacting or talking to lecturers/tutors from other colleges in getting other opinions? Maybe from LCC or Camberwell?

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