Out of context: Reply #132

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  • lifterBARON0

    kq, I am in no rush to start fights with any of the other designers/artists on here, although, in my opnion, i will say quantity and not quality is on their side... with the exception of dysplasii i think he has super fresh work.. all of the others could be bought and sold.. no offense or intent on starting shit with the other "gents" but just not feeling their shit to the fullest. some skill there, just not what i consider wow type stuff. most of these people never really bitched either, they simply stated their opinions. that is fine by me. bitching is uncalled for, especially by those that reply anonymously or with no facts to back their asses up. specifically to your hippy, sky, zodiac loving ass. how someone like yourself with absolutely zero design or any obvious talent in any artistic field can talk so much shit just for the sake of talking.. is beyond me.

    also, as mentioned before, that work on my site is old and is being replaced. i dont have a corporate client list or 7 pages of work on my site, but i am showing it openly. Im not attacking anyone's style or talent. just provided opinions and evidence to support my beliefs.. you might not like the buttons, i might not even like the buttons, but a bunch of people asking me to send some to them all over the planet must say something.

    • Please link back when your portfolio is updated, I want to see :)ismith
    • absolutely...lifterBARON
    • I collect portfolio links, for those times when I feel like looking at nice things.ismith

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