Out of context: Reply #127

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  • tommyo0


    Design shouldn't be viewed as 'matching something or exceeding it'...that's just dumb. This isn't a contest that can be measured. However we are responsible for carrying the torch of how our culture is perceived, visually, for possibly hundreds of thousands of years from now. To make it clear, and responding to 'Dave's own words' I do have a opinion about your private group. I really don't give a fuck if you or him care about my opinion, but I care about the message your 'private group' sends out. Don't get me wrong, the KDU isn't the only one who has a style-first agenda, they're just the only one I know of that transparently promote themselves shamelessly by interviewing each other on over the top my design group is my gang channels of their own development. Which kinda makes me want to puke a little.


    I don't think Gensler is really 'trying' to do anything. But I do think that people who are heavily involved, like Chuck Anderson, who (in the past, I have no clue if the kid is still alive or not), provides the same solution for varieties of visual problems is NOT a designer. What he does is not something I wouldn't want young designers to idolize. Why is this a bad thing? Well if you don't actually solve different visual problems with different solutions, yet instead find it alright to just use a style to solve the visual problems for various clients then 1. You're cheating yourself because now you're one-dimensional and as soon as a 10 year old in India learns how to duplicate the style you've just sold to 5 clients, well...then your style is just going to get dated until you're now the pioneer of a cliche. 2. You're cheating society by offering a cheap 'style' over something that has some depth and deeper meaning. Why do we spend so much time kerning and adjusting leading when 95% of the people who view it would never see a difference? It's because good design also lives in the subconscious. So if your solution is cheap and meaningless instead genuine and unique then you treat society like the mindless fucks that every marketer wishes they were. 3. By continuing this trend of style-first then society expects less, our jobs get easier, our jobs are now so one-dimensional, our clients can go anywhere and get style made. I read an article years ago about why being a graphic artist will be a high paying career for a long time. Their reasoning was that while jobs like programming can go overseas, designers tell the story of their culture, we interpret our culture visually and people who aren't directly attached to our culture could never do it as well as we can locally. Well, this argument loses all traction once that our redeeming factor of interpretation is gone and this becomes a style game.

    So no, I don't think Gensler is trying to attack design as a whole, I think he has no clue what this is all about. This is not a fucking contest or a buzzword, to me at least it isn't. All this posturing and hype for something as flimsy as 'style' is just kind of, well, cheap. I just wish there would be a little more respect for the craft.


    Bleh I'm done, gotta get to work. Day is almost done. Thanks to those who agree or feel the same.

    • Fucking bravo, mate. Bravo.killerqueen
    • i feel ya.. i believe those same words, i just dont aim do discredit for trying.. whether its as good as it should be?lifterBARON

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