McCain or Obama

Out of context: Reply #51

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    Being pro-life, I'd very reluctantly go for McCain. It's a shame, because Obama is brilliant, and I despise Republican foreign and environmental policy. For me though, the genocide of unborn babies trumps all (roughly 40 million since Roe v. Wade)...and even though I seriously doubt the law will ever be changed, I am compelled to hope and pray, and at the very least vote based on principle. I think voting for a pro-choice candidate is basically an endorsement of murder.

    *Prepares for the firing squad

    • Glad you have the courage of your convictions. I disagree with you 100%, but hey...TheBlueOne
    • that law will never change, exactly because it gets guys like you to vote republican.mrdobolina
    • i respect your values but i also disagree 100percent.
      its not so black&white as you portray it.
    • but i understand it,
      i have christian friends who share your beliefs and i respect those...

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