When did it happen?

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Point50

    like a lot of other people in this thread I loved to draw. I started drawing comic book character back in 1983 (3rd grade for me) and continued drawing all the way thru high school. I went on to play football at a jr. college where I finished up all my pre-req and core classes; I moved onto a four year college to begin studying my major, at which point I was undecided. I figured I'd give landscape architecture a try, but the waiting list was like a year long, so I wandered through the arts building and saw the computer lab in the design wing and thought "that's what I want to do, art on a computer!"... and so it was. I graduated with BFA with an emphasis in design (wish I would have stayed to get my illustration degree) moved back to Vegas in 1998 and got a job as a jr. designer at $19k/yr. Did print work for a year, then moved on and learned interactive design at another agency. Got sick of the whole shitty design scene out here, so I moved onto the glamorous job of being Roman and Egyptian characters at Caesars Palace and a genie character at the Aladdin. Then I moved into bouncer status, porter, bar back and then bartender. Once I had a kid though, it all changed and 3 hours of sleep a day wasn't cutting it anymore so I got back into this shitty design scene out here and now I feel like I'm going thru the motions at work (an ad agency), but am very happy with most of my freelance gigs.

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