Food from clones?

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • mbr0

    We are already seeing the effects of hormones and pasteurization.

    The world will not import our genetically modified crops. The repercussions will not be known for ages what this will do to humans. Big problem is that these crops will eventually 'leak' into natural crops, contaminating our food supply.

    Like all big business pushes (think Nutra-sweet, that has been proven to cause brain tumors, saccharine, which causes cancer, etc. - took almost 25 years to get it legal!!), it is highly publicized that there is nothing different or dangerous, but there always is.

    Glad I am one of them smug vegetarians!

    • these are chemicals added to foodstuffs though, they're transferable. Modified genes from a tomato aren't going to get into your blood streamkelpie
    • ...get into your bloodstreamkelpie
    • Oooh... spot whose brother's a biologist! :)detritus
    • ssshhhhhhhkelpie
    • these gentically modified crops/fish/whatever are STERILE, how wiill they therefore leak?rupedixon
    • misinformation...rupedixon
    • 'Sterile'? Pfft. Did Jurassic Park teach you nothing?detritus
    • nice kelpie. my sister is in the biology too.Jaline

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