Sep color channels?

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • Studiospooky0

    Okay, so make a copy of the photoshop file.

    1. Make the base white.

    2. Combine all the nonblack areas (the white AND the gold) onto one layer, Make it all black. Call it: white base print.

    3. Have just the gold areas on another layer, again in black. Call it:gold overprint.

    If you just name the layers that and talk the printer through it plus show them the visual... not a problem. The difficulties arise if you try to combine the visual end result with the artwork. All artwork is always on a white base and all print is presented as black, or tints of black. You're probably scratching your head about starting off with a black base board layer. You can make a duplicate of the above file to give to the printer as well where you colour the base layer, the white and the gold layer so they are visually correct... he can refer to that for visual purposes.

    That's my two penneth.

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