Leica c-lux 2

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • Studiospooky0

    I have the Lumix DMC-1 which is the same as the DMC-2 but with a smaller CCD.... There is no way I know of to take good quality pictures in anything approaching low light conditions. I have tried lowering the ISO, and also increasing the ISO just in case, and I have tried sticking to RAW. Really the only thing suitable for shooting at night or in dynamic environments on compact digital level is a domestic all-rounder camera designed for snapshotters which is specifically geared up to providing crisp clean family album photographs. They create the whole camera in such a way that it performs well in all conditions so as not to disapoint the average high street punter. The Ixus pisses all over the Lumix/Leica in my experience, as do most £100- £150 cameras made by countless far east electrical goods companies with no desirable brand value.

    I think the best thing in the world is to buy a cheap crappy camera by Daiwoo or someone and heavily mask the casing and badging with DIY packging and black electrical tape so it looks like some really bizarre item, then when people ask about it say its something you've assembled yourself 'in the shed'. Maximum Kudos, Great Pictures, Self-image intact. You could even print out a Leica badge and have it peeking out subtly behind a loose cardboard flap.

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