Leica c-lux 2

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Studiospooky0

    "what I have really fallen in love with is the M series rangefinder. I want it so bad my testes ache."

    Ah, a classic case in point... have you heard about all the really major fuck ups with that thing? It has an OTT infra-red pick-up that makes any reflective synthetic go purple. Buyers have been going nuts about it and Leica have had to issue free filters to correct it which means nobody can shoot with any other filter on. There's a load of mechanical issues too.

    • really?! thank you. Who else does something similar?kelpie
    • Epson R-D1... the world's first digital Rangefinder. Hard to find though.Studiospooky
    • that one sounds bonkers, you actually have to wind on the 'film' to take the next shot :Dkelpie

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