Out of context: Reply #12

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  • mikotondria20

    No, in the same way that when I see nicer cars than mine driving around I don't think less of mine, or by extension - myself.
    I don't see taller or better looking, or better paid people than myself and think - oh, I want to be like them, why am I stuck being crappy little me ?
    It's because I am no longer an adolescent, and I have become less obsessed with trying to asses world and my peers to the end of trying to find my place in it.
    Many people do much better work than I could ever hope to do, but they're not me, they don't have my life and don't have that privileged position of seeing everything I have, or be able to use the hard work that I've put into getting into the position where I can use my talent and skills to do what I want to.
    I guess Im lucky in that almost everything I see done by other people I know I can do better, whether or not I actually get round to doing it.
    So no, in summary - it's something you'll grow out of...just enjoy those moments of 'discovery' of your own work, realise all artistic creativity is just a way of reflecting and expressing what's in us all, and focus on that very thing and the work will flow as you develop your craft (learning to make your tools part of yourself).
    Fuck the lot of them.
    Joshua Davies seems like a really nice bloke, but it doesnt interest me to select 5 of 10000 organic tree shapes from an algorithm, but I heartily admire his ability to take this concept from his head to a gallery and a then to a bank balance, but that is business acumen, salesmanship and timing.

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