Out of context: Reply #10

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  • JackRyan0

    skt...Hahaha...one of my old lady friends, which happened to be a nanny, went to some botanical gardens with the little girl she was watching at the time. She had a doll with her, and we had a stroller along too. Anyways we went down to look at this koi pond and left the stroller by this path, and the kiddo's doll in it. We were just looking at the fish with the baby and we heard these screams. I guess the stroller started rolling towards the pond, and a woman saw the doll in it and thought it was a real child. She ran after it, dove, caught a wheel and stopped the cart. She then started screaming, "WHO'S BABY IS THIS, WHO'S CHILD WAS LEFT UNATTENDED!?" Then she realized it was a doll, and turned bright red. I apologized and tried to offer to buy her something to drink, it was funny, and that picture reminded me of it.

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