Out of context: Reply #13
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- neue75_bold0
Making design deliberately bad to garner more attention under the guise of having more stopping power is nothing new and I for one don't buy it...
What I wonder is where are all these slick, pulled-back, clean magazines that he refers to? If anything we're at a terrible state with editorial design, market saturation is at an all time high yet most publications look as though they've been put together by a recent new media graduate...
I've seen an actual copy of it and it's a load of pish.. He hasn't even taken it far enough to the realm of bad design to make it good, it just sits somewhere in between amateurish and conceptual...
At the end of the day, good magazine design should be more about the content, rather than the casing...
- totally, say what you like about carson *cough *spit, but at least there was a link between his style and the editorial stylekelpie