chicago please

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  • mg330

    Cinlantrobot - you still have the best name on NT ever. If you move to Chicago, and ever see my band, say hello and I will buy you a beer simply because of your screen name.


    Here's the low down:

    Live in Wicker Park/Bucktown if you want either a) rich unattainable women, or, b) cheap, undesirable early 20's or college girls.

    Live in Lincoln Park if you want a) girls with money, or, b) girls with daddy's money pretending to make six figure salaries who will always be more concerned with the next pair of $200 shoes rather than how well you'll fuck them on a one night stand. Either way, you sort of win, but you certainly lose.

    Live in Logan Square if you want "slowly gentrifying hood." I did it myself for nearly 3 years and the niceness didn't replace the fact that I watched a car get set on fire out my window, and that two people were murdered within 2/3 mile from my apartment.

    Live in Andersonville if you want diversity and a longer ride on the El downtown everyday.

    Live anywhere that you have to take a bus to the El, or two buses to work if you like standing around on your ass waiting for the miserable CTA that gets worse by the minute.

    Live in Wrigleyville if you want to deal with lots of sports fans and to-the-death frat guys so enamored with themselves that they'd sooner have a rib removed to suck their own awesome cock than they would buy a nice stranger a beer.

    Personally, I live in Lakewview and love the hell out of it. I'm a 5 minute walk to the lake, which you will often mistake as the ocean. I'm a 2 minute cab ride or 15 minute walk from the best music venue on the northside:
    where I just got home from after seeing my good friends in the band Sybris. It's near the Diversey, Wellington, and Belmont brown/purple/red line stops, 4 miles stright north of downtown, some good dive bars and cooler places as well. Lots of stores nearby like Borders, Barnes & Noble, good places to eat, Bed Bath & Beyond, all those sorts of stores.

    I've lived in three totally different parts of the city in the 6 years I've been here, and Lakeview is finally where I'm the happiest.

    There are lots of young people here that are nice cool people who are living on their own and working their way up in the working world. Lots of studio apartments and 1 bedrooms.

    There are not too many attitudes around here [Lakeview]. There are in other parts, but generally people in chicago are really great.

    The lake path is fun, for jogging, biking, or just walking. Lots and lots of eye candy around here. It's berserk, seriously. You have no idea.

    Chicago is a geat place to live. It's getting cold now, but since you live in None, US, I really can't judge what you put up with right now.

    If you want any more suggestions, just e-mail me.

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