to my dutch friends

Out of context: Reply #56

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  • rafalski0

    and I would warn against using the UK as any kind of alt model, the gap between rich and poor in this country is shocking and for all our money in the pocket we have much more going out than elsewhere, I know cos I lived elsewhere on a british wage and I lived like a king. well, a duke maybe, or an earl
    (Nov 7 07, 06:27)

    The gap is good kelpie! It's ok, it's normal. There must be rich and poor, must be diversity for the whole system to work. That is my point, there must be these differences.
    What is normal and works in the UK is considered social injustice in 'other places'. Look, it is working, despite the inequalities people in the UK are making good money and even plenty of 'cultural goals' are met.
    EU approach would be "take the money from the everyone (especially the rich) and give it to a million paid burreaucrats to give whatever change is left to the poor who don't want to work but will vote for us". Social justice is done.

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