Autumn Haikus

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • 31 Responses
  • mg330

    animal instinct
    takes over in the bedroom
    she is fast asleep

    creeping up the sheets
    I am silent and deadly
    close in for the kill

    with a quickness
    I extend my stiff stinger
    her nectar soon flows

    she wakes up screaming
    flailing around the sheets
    this way and that way

    stop! stop! please, please stop!
    she cries out in utter pain
    it hurts! it hurts bad!

    husband awakens
    his dream of new fishing boat
    was interrupted

    concern for his wife
    who is screaming and crying
    can't see in the dark

    what is wrong honey?
    why are you screaming like that?
    was it a bad dream?

    no, I think it was
    a bee or some kind of wasp,
    bit me on my ass!

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