Iran ~ Russia

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • PonyBoy0

    "PonyBoy - do you seriously think there would be some kinda justification in using military force in Iran? Seriously? IS that in the best interests of the US - mid and long term?"


    ... dude... read my posts... i believe aggression to NOT be the answer - calm down. :)

    I'm merely stating that Iran isn't exactly 'speaking out' in a very friendly way toward the U.S. or it's 'friends'... so one shouldn't expect much kindness from the U.S...

    ... not to mention the fact that Iran IS providing weaponry being used against U.S. and like forces in Iraq...

    ... it's not all a matter of the big mean U.S!! If Iran wants to 'talk nicely'... their leaders should stop calling for the destruction of Isreal & the U.S...

    ... guys... if some dude wouldn't stop talking shit about you... would you still go be 'his pal'?

    It's a mess. :)

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