couldn't sleep

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  • k0na_an0k0

    this is why i can't sleep:
    # Anxiety about that day, the next day, or everyday for the rest of your life
    # An inability to stop thinking about the day's events

    this is what i'm going to start doing about it:
    # Do something you really enjoy prior to sleep: take a walk; chat with a friend on the phone or on line; watch an amusing re-run; read something not related to school or work; take a bath; masturbate; etc. The idea here is to take your mind away from whatever's feeding your angst, allowing for greater ease into slumber.

    # Make tomorrow's to-do list just before you call it a night. Not only might you be more organized for the next day, you may also have fewer anxiety dreams and a better night's sleep overall.

    # Instead of just lying awake with worries, write them down in a journal. When you're done, close the book and put it away. Better to leave your stressors on the night table than take them to bed with you.

    # Listen to music or a guided imagery tape to take you peacefully into zzz-land. Imagery often comes in the form of tapes with pleasant scenes in which you visualize yourself relaxing. They're available at many mainstream bookstores.

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