couldn't sleep

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  • k0na_an0k0

    anyone else not fall asleep for no reason? and how do you deal with it?
    (Oct 16 07, 06:30)

    happens all the time. happened last night.

    it's like my brain won't shut off. i'm thinking about design, interviews, freelance, whatever... my brain just keeps going mad with thoughts.

    i've always had trouble falling asleep. my wife, she can fall asleep in less than 5 minutes, everytime.

    i'm thinking about picking up some kind of book that i can get some tips from for falling asleep faster.

    i've tried counting sheep and mentally relaxing every part of my body starting from my head working down to my toes, tried thinking i'm falling deeper into sleep with every exhale of breath... nothing works.

    you know what works? tylenol pm with a shot of nyquil. you feel like complete shit in the morning and it takes literally a good hour to fully wake up but fuck me, when i can't sleep and i need to sleep it's the last resort.

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