Gentlemen's Clubs

Out of context: Reply #57

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  • mikotondria20

    'some people are way more comfortable with their sexuality than you are.'

    You don't know the first thing about me, mate - it's very easy to make a soundbyte judgment about someone rather than actually engaging in a debate on ethics.
    Try again.

    I could respond in kind by saying 'some people are more willing to think about things rather than cruise along with the currently accepted version of why it is important to behave with respect.'

    True, fuck the extreme right evangelical judeo-christian repression, that too is entirely abominably amoral, for similar reasons - an exchange of sexual priveledge for power, coerced, forced, whatever. Whenever this exchange goes on, people suffer, now or 20 years down the line.

    "i'd rather see degenerates in the strip club where it's legal"...I understand your point here, but as someone who upholds this 'legal' framework, by paying taxes and behaving proactively and responsibly, Im not willing to take part in this nasty little charade by legitamising it.

    You go ahead and bring up a daughter, and then see how happy you are about her doing this job to put herself through college...its no more immoral just because you dont know or love the people doing, that is mental compartmentalisation which is an essential part of letting someone else do your thinking for you about someone else, and Iwould cite the holocaust as the more extreme outcome of this. Read some Robert Anton Wilson.

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