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Out of context: Reply #24

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  • TResudek0

    Joyride - the answer to your question about how much money from record sales goes to the artist is none. Artists have to sell at least 750000 copies before "recouping" with a major label and at that point more costs are introduced. All but a handful of modern day artists have never seen one penny from CD royalties.

    Does that make stealing the album right? Probably not. Major labels put up a lot of money and resources to make an album and promote and artist and up to now they have been expecting to make money from CD sales. If they stop getting their $, then they stop promoting bands, sign fewer bands, and they start looking for other ways to get paid. Bands have lived off touring and merchandise, which until very recently does not have any money shared with labels. Now new labels like FBR are changing that - as a result of declining CD sales. THUS.... the band loses out on their revenue stream.

    So, in a roundabout way stealing music IS effecting the bottom line of bands.

    Ultimately the industry will drastically change and things will go back to normal (I hope) but just know that cheapskates that steal music are the reason why bands are broke.

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