terrible mistakes

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • Blofeldt0

    When I was a post office manager, we had all this stuff lying around the office that had fallen out of envelopes and parcels that weren't wrapped properly. One object that always attracted amusing attention was this little science-y looking object called a particle accelerator or something. Posties would point it at each other hollering curses and pretend to zap each other with it.

    Well, after a while all this stuff piled up and I sent it all to Belfast where they deal with lost items. But I forgot to include the particle accelerator, so rather than fill out a load more forms I thought "Fuck it" and binned it.

    A few weeks later I went to this factory who said they'd lost something, when I got there a guy in a lab coat held up The Particle Accelerator! And preceded to inform me it was worth a cool £500,000!

    Very coolly I denied all knowledge of the item and gave him a the Belfast office phone number and heard no more about it.

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