cirque manager

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • Nairn0

    Login button should be bigger, or there should be some clever cookie setting to make it the dominant choice if I've already visited.

    er... balls. So i need to use the fake email I provided for a login? I can't remember what i put. I see why you've done that, but I won't be going any further in again just now.

    The instructions were a bit dense - a lot to take in before you've begun. Also, they could be paginated and not loop on itself on last 'next'.

    I still felt lost when dropped in the game (how do I buy the slightly damp-smelling circus tent?)

    Also, the input boxes were a bit too distinct from the background - the blunt bordering seemed like a bit of a cop out.

    Thank God for the mute button.

    Juggling minigame never seemed to end? Frequent mad spastic ball bounces left me confused and slightly irritated.

    Sorry, all i can recall are the negatives from not being able to log in again. Nice graphics? :\

    I was involved in a similar large online game (purple, too!) for Bravo TV a few years back - my one bit of advice - Make It Simple. The last thing you or your client wants is a large number of 'how do I..?' enquiries every day. Your average TV-based users are a lot less web/game savvy than online geeks..

    I'll give it another go later, maybe.

    Hope you're well, chuck!

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