Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • TheBlueOne0

    Re: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

    My free floating thoughts.

    A) He's a shit. A smart, calculating shit, but still a shit.

    B) George Bush is a shit. A dumb clueless shit, but a shit.

    C) Last I checked it's a free country so let him speak his piece.

    D) Last I checked it's a free country if Columbia invited him to speak, let him speak.

    E) Last I checked it's a free country, students and other protestors can say whatever they want.

    F) Yeah, they'll probably be a war with Iran. Suckers bet all around, but again see points A & B above.

    G) Last I checked it's a free country, but I'm checking every other day and expect that to change at a moments notice.

    H) He's still fucking up my commute home for the next few days and so I am personally pissed off.

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