the flash problem?

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  • cram0

    There are workarounds for seo and flash but it is harder to do. Of course seo can be just as high as any site on the first page pretty easily using tags and such but for the interior, html is sooo much easier.

    you can do anything with flash that you can do with html but it might not be worth the effort. in my opinion, blash is best for brochure type sites, portfolios, mini sites, etc.

    here's my metaphor. you are google. html is a book. flash is a dvd. you go to barnes and noble and are browsing the shelves. while there, you can look at the cover and back of a book but you can also flip through a book to see if it is what you need... high seo. with a dvd, you can only see the cover and back. you have to put the disk in the player to browse the content... low seo.

    ok, that was lame. sorry. just trying to help.

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