
Out of context: Reply #33

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  • fortified0

    Broken Back Mountain:…
    I took about a 15 foot cat track without bothering to check my landing, then while in mid-air realized there were people (fucking skiiers) and standing in my landing just shooting the shit. So I tried to get on my heel side edge as soon as I hit the snow but my board shot out from under me and I went flat on my back.
    It was weird and def the most pain ever. I couldn't take a breath for a half hour, just these short little puffs of air and couldn't speak etc. Spent some time in the hospital pissing blood and stabilizing. I had a bulging disc that I was sure to have surgery on, but I worked super hard in physical therapy and was able to get the fucker back into alignment w/o the knife...super lucky actually.
    My legs are still numb often and shoot pain pretty when I walk, but shit, at least I can walk. it could have been worse.
    sorry for such a long post...

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