basic html site cost ?

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  • k0na_an0k0

    lol flavorful

    it might be easier to think of a dollar amount per hour you're comfortable working for.

    $40? $50? $60?

    once doing so take the time to figure out how many hours each step of the process will take.

    concepts: 4 hours each x 3 concepts = 12 hours

    2 rounds of iterations: 1-2 hours each design x 3 designs = 3-6 hours

    1 final iteration: 1 hour x 1 design = 1 hour

    then guestimate how many pages you'll be developing, and using what technology. i know you said html but are you going to build pages off of an html template (which will go faster) or will there be multiple layouts for internal pages?

    give a rough estimate.

    when you come up wiht a final number of hours pad to account for bullshit you'll encounter.

    times that by the $ per hour you're comfortable with and if you're happy with the number submit it.

    it helps in your proposal f you itemize shit like i did above so the client doesnt get sticker shock from your price.

    and explain everything and why. a client won't get it takes you 4 hours for a concept. they think we have templates in photoshop you plug logos into. ugh.

    good luck.

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