Fred Thompson

Out of context: Reply #285

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    Get real, who contemplates this shit?
    (Sep 7 07, 07:40)

    People with moral principles. If you don't buy the Bible schtick, see our constitution and the original Bill of Rights that is still considered law (even if it is routinely abused) in this country.

    For the record, I wouldn't support the death penalty for my wife if she got an abortion. I would, however, divorce her, in all likelihood. My views on that subject are not so clear as they once were...not even sure anymore if I would support the death penalty for anyone. I can see both sides of that argument.

    I think it's worth mentioning that one of the many reasons I married my wife is b/c we are on the same exact ground on matters of faith and morality. She'd rather die a thousand deaths than kill our child. I'd even go so far as to say that I know few young women who are as fond of babies as she is. And I know for a fact that if she was raped, and if she became pregnant, that she would want to keep the baby, in spite of it's awful and traumatizing beginning.

    ...and yes BonSeff, Texas does indeed have more than its fair share of fundies. So does the SE deep south (Miss., Alabama, Georgia, etc.) I was recently in Alabama for a funeral and came across some pretty ass-backwards, downright sickening examples of legalism. Ca c'est le monde.

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