Fred Thompson

Out of context: Reply #281

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  • TheBlueOne0

    I don't know where my thinking on this issue is, other than I see both sides but still think the decision should ultimate rest with the woman and not the State.

    Way back in 1990 my girlfriend at the time got pregnant. I was dumb and 22 at the time. She insisted on getting an abortion no matter what I said even though it's not like I was protesting in anyway.

    Over the years I've always sat back and wondered the "Wow. I cuold've had a kid that would be "x" years old now..." And retrospectively I was a bit miffed that I, as father didn't have any say on what her decision was - What if I had wanted her to keep it? Would I of had any recourse being the father?

    However, that said, I look at me life now and ponder what my life would've been like saddled to that particular ex-girlfriend and all her attendent problems (and their were maaaany - also knowing how she ended up in not a good place, and that our relationship went veeery bad and got veeerrry messy - infidelity on her part, drug use, etc...) and what the family life would've been for that child..and it feels like I dodged a bullet.

    I am now happily married to a woman I consider a perfect partner and we look forward to rasining som e kids of our own in the near future - children I am quite confident we can provide for and who I can be an excellent father too (unlike my 22 year old self)...

    If I had to make the decision all over again I probably wouldn't of gone with the abortion, but that's knowing what I know now and how I personally feel about it, but at the time it was the "right" decision and I think that has played out overtime. But it is by no means an easy area to deal with - ethically and emotionally - and because of that the less the State is involved the better IMHO..

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