
Out of context: Reply #3

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  • harlequino0

    Went ot screening last night, and got to meet the amazing Julie Taymor afterward.
    I was totally prepared to hate this film going into it. I had a smarmy little attitude like 'oh so yer gonna interpret Beatles songs for me, eh?'
    Honestly, the first 20 minutes didn't work for me, and some things really put me off and were goofy. However, once the film opens up I found myself totally immersed and loved it.
    Taymor has managed to achieve somethign quite astonishing. Not only did she create an impressionistic and non-cliched collage of 60's counterculture, but she told a story unpretentiously and beautifully framed by reimagined Beatles songs.
    She did private screenings for both Paul and Ringo, who both loved the film and gave her complete blessings.
    Try to see it if you can, but dump your baggage if possible. :)

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