i envy

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • k0na_an0k0

    you're young studderine. you might not think your work is good and it might not be. but there is something to be said about getting out into the real work and working with people who have been designing for quite a few years. the things you pick up on in the first month will absolutely be worth more than 4 years of college.

    i've seen the corporate world. it sucks. trust me.

    downtown chicago taking the train to and from work i see these poor bastards in a suit and tie all looking like they want to jump into an oncoming train. no thanks.

    there is something extremely fantastic about design, and the ability to go weeks, if not months never designing the same way twice.

    i'd take that any day over some 9-5 job crunching numbers as an accountant or pouring over quarterly revenue sheets. fugh dat.

    but in the end. do what you gotta do. do what you love and the money will follow.

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