New Job Advice?

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • Casio_Nova0

    Hello friends. Some updates for you. Sent my resume to the contact I trust at the company I want to work at. He had to check with HR about certain protocols because, since we are a client of theirs, they have non-solicit clauses in their contracts.

    We talked today, they would like to potentially interview me, but there is a catch: Due to the non-solicit clause, to even interview with them I'm required to tell my employer - my boss - that I am pursuing new opportunities, and with this specific company.

    What an A-Bomb, right?

    Been doing much reading about etiquette for two-week notices, leaving a job gracefully, etc. Just found out the part above this morning.

    Fact is, I have valid reasons to leave. Done much soul searching and have a list of reasons such as:
    *look ahead a year and see me doing same exact things, little new challenges.
    *Underpaid to the tune of $12 - $15K and only anticipating annual raise of 4%.
    *strong desire to get closer to career goals I had when I graduated from college in 2001
    * dislike of company trying to reinvent and realign itself year after year.
    I could probably go on and on.

    I really think my boss is human enough to understand (many current complaints are not towards her, but towards company in general). I've never quit a "career" job before and am not afraid of doing so, but damn, I hate the thought of having to sit down and tell someone, basically, that I don't want to work there anymore and am looking for a way out. Would be so much better if all I had to do was simply put in a two week notice. Truth is, the place I want to work is fantastic, would involve far more creative work than I could dream of doing right now where I am.

    Well, just keeping an update here. If you have any advice on how to handle THIS new situation, that would be great. I want to do it gracefully, not burn bridges, and not get thrown out when I tell her I'm looking for something new. She's actually been out on maternity leave all summer and will be back in a week - I hate feeling like I'm throwing a massive wrench in the system, but believe me, I know I need to do this for MYSELF.

    Thanks guys.

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