Question: Hail to the thief

Out of context: Reply #12

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  • mvb20

    I don't care for the new Radiohead as a whole but some parts are quite good.

    Kid A kind of reminded me of Can, at least in spirit, as well as other 70's prog groups along those lines. I'm trying to avoid the obvious Autchre and 'glitch' type electronica stuff that most people will name check in the same sentence as Kid A.

    You had Yes, Crimson and early Genesis which was a riff oriented kind of prog with intricate arrangements. I would put OK Computer in that area. Then you had guys like Can, or Soft Machine that were more into this sort of mutating of one theme and having a more organic approach. Thats where I would put Kid A.

    Hail to the Thief is somewhere in the middle. I hope they are in a transition to something really good and this is just a middle ground to more brilliant things.

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