
Out of context: Reply #55

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  • flavorful0

    Look at the natural progression of how he gets bigger ... looking at a before picture in 1986 and one 20 years later is not the same at seeing him from year to year.

    He has never failed a drug test, and yes he is probably the most drug tested player in baseball.

    Yes, I can see his head growing ... his feet are kind of a different story, haha.

    But look at his father, he is a bigger man.

    Athletes put themselves thru torture to get how they are, and who is to say he did not stunt growth spurts playing baseball his entire life, and weight training at an early age in high school and USC.

    And I am not a Giants fan by any stretch of the imagination.

    And yes, I get a lot of flack for liking Barry from people outside of the PVN as well, haha.

    I got a, "Of course you would like him, he is a fucking prick just like you." comment just over the weekend, haha.

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