Flash sucks

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Boz0

    ian, why do you have to come in with that crap. Flash crashes on Mac just as much as on PC. Even worse as it was SOOO slow and painfully irritating to work with just before CS3 came out. Even with CS3 it's still crashing horribly, go take a peak and forums. this makes OSX suck ass? I don't think so really, but you make it sound like it does. Second, my chimes about Apple hate is not really against Macs, it's about their attitude towards the consumer and the company's totalitarian approach to everythign. If the world was left up to Apple we would have a similar society as in, let's say, movie THX 1138 or even The Island (for more modern times), where you are given an illusion of perfection and completely bound by what you are being told. So let's not go there.

    Flash is generaly VERY poorly coded machine. It works like heaven when you are making simpler Flash builds. But when you create rich graphically and code intense applications and experiences, this is where you start experiencing problems everywhere. Crashes, unexpected behaviors due to player's poor memory handling etc etc.

    This is not OS specific (Windows or Mac), it's the application. For example, even with Save & Compact you still have a bunch of stuff that the file doesn't get rid of. For example, you import some videos, music etc etc into the library. You save the file. Let's say it's 50mb. I reopen the file, take out video clips and stuff, Save and Compact and the file still remains with high kb/mb size. That's just one stupid example.

    There's a million other things that just make it crash but this is what it is.

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