bomb in london

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • kelpie0

    "1000 Prime Minister Gordon Brown says country faces 'serious threat'"

    and he's just in office. sounds like a bush move.
    (Jun 29 07, 04:27)
    Call me paranoid, but has anyone considered that this might be a tactic to scare the population into giving more support forBu$h's so-called war on terror? Here in the states, his poll ratings are incrediblyt low, and his party is starting to break with his stance on the war. Seems like whenever his ratings drop, and there is failing support for the war, something like this happens. not saying this is the case. But, it just doesn't fit the MO of these nitjob terrorists.

    JUST A THOUGHT. Not trying to start a Friday night fight here.
    (Jun 29 07, 04:30)

    right, not starting a friday fight here either, but don't you think its more likely that whoever made the bomb had been planning it to coincide with the new PM taking over??

    He has stated he wants to focus on domestic policy mainly and try to achieve things in what time he has which will provide a domestic policy basis for re-election. One thing these acts do is derail those intentions and force a government to focus on foreign policy and defence and we've seen the effects of that here already. They aren't stupid these folk, and they DO exist.

    I find it really sad that the past 5 years have put us in a state where wild paranoid theories jump to mind so easily.

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