I passed!

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • flavorful0

    I failed my driver’s three times.

    1st time ... the lady told me mum that I, "There is no doubt in her mind I can handle a vehicle, but that I tripled the speed limit, and ran 5 stop signs." To which I of course started laughing ... because I didn’t.

    Well turns out I was going 15 in a 5, and I never came to a complete stop at any stop signs... My tiraded on how the fact being that there is no such thing as a 5MPH zone anywhere and there is no chance in hell I am stopping a stop sign and counting to 5 unless a cop is behind me didn’t help my case.

    2nd time ... the guy did not put on his seat buckle and I turned the car on. We had been sitting for awhile too talking about shit. Needless to say I was not allowed back to take the test there after what ensued.

    3rd time ... I was parallel parking and the guy kept saying I could go back, and I was like ... I am going to hit that barrel. He said, "No." And I go, I am taking you by your word because you are a driving instructor and if you instruct me to do something that is going to make me fail that goes against everything blah blah blah ... of course he agreed and I hit it. He then asked if I wanted to do the rest of the course and I told him to fuck off and he can walk back, haha.

    4th time ... the guy couldn’t fathom how I failed 3 times I told him the stories while I was driving around and he was laughing at how they (not him) do from time to time stunts like that but loved how I responded to each one.

    All that being said ... I hate driving, I have no idea how to parallel park to this day and I am not a good driver.

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