Anybody got experience hiring long term freelancers?

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  • babaganush0

    Have you thought about super-talented graduates. Most freelancers worth their salt are very good - you kind of need to be as you are essentially your own small business that sub-contracts. So I see your logic but to be honest if you're pretty good the work is there. I actually turn down work that I think will waste my time of see me thought of as a slave. I think you need to reassess how desperate you think the feelancer is for work - and if they are, WHY are they so desperate. I see your predicament as I ran my own agency and it's hard to get good people- you end up getting ones you think are ok but need to let them go as they make more work for you. That's why a good freelancer will sticjk to their guns. Most people are negotiable so I think you should think like that as opposed to seeing freelancers as desperate for longer term gigs.

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