
Out of context: Reply #24

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  • k0na_an0k0

    didnt even see it coming.

    this wasn't even on the radar. literally, mid last week i finished up two giant re-design projects of huge magnitude i finished one month ahead of schedule, they were thrilled because it meant i could focus full-time on media, which is the direction our ux team was told to go. it's the #1 priority in the company so today when they let one of the only 4 ux designers in the office go i was more than shocked.

    the team was my boss, who is a great guy that i feel sorry for that he had to deliver the news.

    1 40+ yr old brilliant designer swamped with work.

    1 40+ year old brilliant coder swamed with work.

    1 guy who was hired here 7 months after i was, but just got his pHd in user experience so it's hard to let him go.


    i honest to god have no idea what to even do first.

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