Lawrence Fishburne

Out of context: Reply #60

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  • k0na_an0k0

    speaking of celebs.

    i've been mistaken twice for a celebrity.

    first time: george eads (when his head was shaved)

    i was really drunk walking through mgm with my sunglasses on and head shaved. (long time ago). a bunch of ladies waiting to get into 54 ran over thinking i was him. they talked me into joining them at 54 and we got into vip. they bought me drinks for the longest time and i played it off so well i was him. it was probably a good thing i was a big fan of csi. even the bouncers thought i was him. they were like 'yo g, good to see you again man'. it was crazy. but i ended up leaving cause people started taking pictures and i didn't know if george had a girlfriend or wife or anything and i would have felt bad if any stories got out. i left.

    second time: rob mackowiak (look it up)

    on the south side after a sox game while i was wearing a sox cap. it's happened 4 times now and it's funny, i look nothing like rob. but anyways, drunk sox fans think i'm him and have bought me round after round whle asking me 'yo man, do you think you're going to be playing tomorrow?' and shit. it's funny. this might have something to do with the company i was with though at the time. it's crazy.

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